Thursday, December 25, 2008

Gluckliche Tag. Jours Heureux. Giorni Felici. Dias Felices. Happy Days.....not Merry Christmas.

I don't normally "get into" the whole christmas spirit.....Bah Humbug, maybe, but I think one of the reasons is that I normally work over this period and my family are a thousand kilometers away. I also feel that Christmas is for children. When I was a kid, this time of year meant waking up extremely early and sitting around the tree waiting anxiously for Mum and Dad to wake up so I could unwrap my presents, making sure that Santa ate the snack and drank the drink you left out for him and then eating, eating and eating. Once I started to grow up, it all just became a massive expense and to be honest, a massive annoyance. I'm not a christian so any religious meaning that Christmas holds is obsolete to me but maybe one thing that does go through my mind during the "festive season" is how quickly time is flying by. Here I am, pushing 40 and I can remember clearly Christmas when I was a child. It certainly doesn't seem like it was a couple of decades ago. I also reflect on what has happened in my rather eventful life and because this year only has around a week left, I start to plan what I will do and what I want to achieve over the following 365 days. This is otherwise known as a New Years Resolution and as with alot of people, my resolutions won't be met, but it's fun to think about it anyway. One thing I do know is that I will be heading overseas. That's a certainty.

Anyway, I've been prattling on and on and on and all I really want to say is this. I hope today, along with every other day of the year is a Merry one. So think of this blog as not a greeting of Merry Christmas, but as a greeting of Happy Days. For today, tomorrow and the rest of our lives.

1 comment:

Monty said...

Bless. Hope you have a lovely day too and that 2009 brings you all the good stuff possible! Big hug!

Monty! xxx