Monday, November 17, 2008

Chocolate. It's torture!!!!.....

My dreams have been taking me to strange places of recent times. Not long ago I dreamt of Chihuahuas (2 nights running), I've recently dreamt that I ran over my mother whilst driving in London (what my mother was doing in London without telling me I will never know), then there was the absolutely horrifying, disturbing and not to mention disgusting dream I had about a family member. But the dream that I wish I could relive again and again and again and again and again and again is the one I had last night. I was kidnapped by some crazed (hot and sexy) man who needed "information" out of me, so to torture me he decided to put me in a vat of chocolate!!! Now there are 2 things wrong here (actually, not so wrong as in 2 things right). Firstly, the man was hot and sexy and wanted to torture me (I say yes please, bring it on) and secondly, his torture chamber was a big vat of gorgeous milky, dark chocolate (again, I say yes please, bring it on). I'm unsure of how the dream ended or if he was successful in extracting the "information" out of me. I'm inclined to say it didn't work. Hopefully I'll continue this horrible nightmare tonight and if it ends the way I want it to, I won't be blogging about, it will be my own secret fantasy. :)


Monty said...

Hell NO! If the dream ends as you'd like it to, we CERTAINLY want to hear about it!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

WHAT have u been up to mr taylor?

your dreams are so illustrative of whats going on in your life lately. i should mention i'm good at interpreting dreams and i'd like to describe yours if thats ok?.....(i know that wasn't the point of your post but i'm bored).

firstly the dog dreams, some more info would be good but generally to dream of dogs has something to do with loyalty, but not knowing what was going on in the dream, can't elaborate.

secondly, the car/mum/london dream, wow lots here my friend, i won't say personal details i may know but generally, london is symbolic of your social life ( the moment and u must be having a good time cause london is exciting, busy, foreign, a place u can explore and see things u haven't before or re-visit places u love and where u would meet people u don't know or see ones u haven't in a while (now sydney is often compared to london but is smaller, u know everyone, u know every street so its not surprising or as exciting but it is homely) so basically i would take a punt and say u have been very social lately, have met people, done things u haven't in a while but enjoyed (hence the visit to london)am i warm?
now your mum...well in reality i would say that u have finally been enjoying yourself but in the middle of it all she may have called u or u may just be thinking of something and getting upset.without getting too personal anyone who has an issue with family would like nothing more than to take control and thats representative of U driving the car in your dream. the running over bit doesn't mean u want to harm her but rather remove her from your social scene at the moment. (are u saying this is all BS or 'oh my god').
the horrible dream about a family member, without knowing details, i'll say may be based around feelings of guilt or inadequacy in terms of a conversation or relationship with that person whether past or present. there is something unresolved here.
now the sexy chocolate dream....believe it or not may be linked to the horrible one. u may be feeling guilty about something that u feel u deserve punishment for, however...u don't feel like its entirely your fault so ur 'tortured' by a sexy man. having him kidnap u is feelings of entrapment somewhere in your life and the best bit (for me anyway) is the vat of choc. now u know deep down inside yourself that u should be punished or feel guilty about something however ur being kind to yourself about it, hence being tortured by chocolate (if only we could do this in real life).
now i really don't want to kill this dream for u but i think this one and the london one is linked and thats all i'll say cause if u do have this dream again u won't enjoy it as much.

so sleep tight and sweet dreams..

scottiejt said...

Monty, I'll tell you and only you.

M.R., I'll tell you and only you. (I had no idea you analysed really analysed them. Next time i speak to you I'll explain the dog and the family member dream cos they were freaky).

Peter said...

You're a tease... first you get us hot with your total body covered in chocolate and now we don't hear if the outcome is good or better!

scottiejt said...

Ok Peter, I'll tell you and only you... :)