Thursday, November 6, 2008

Some people are gay.....get over it....

I don't like to get too political. I have opinions sure, but sometimes I like to keep those opinions to myself and then alot of the times I don't. I read today that proposition 8 was approved in the USA which means that marriage can only be between a man and a woman. Exactly the same as it is here in this very "open minded" country of hours. I guess voting a colored man in as president is the most ground breaking they can be in one day and as we here in Oz like to follow our counterparts on the other side of the globe, I guess the thought of marriage between Adam and Steve is going to be way out of the question for us......

What's my view on 2 men or 2 women getting married? I would never do it myself as I'm not the marrying kind, but if heterosexuals can do it then homosexuals should have the right to do it as well. I mean love is love is love and if you wish to celebrate it or seal it with marriage,  then EVERYBODY should have that right. 

Homosexuality has been around since the dawn of time so for the life of me I don't understand why people have a goddamn problem with it.......And therein lies the problem.....God......(apologies to anybody who reads my blog and is religious).

 I think those who have the power and who have a say need to realise they are treating "the gays" as 2nd class citizens. In a life and death situation, would they let a "gay" save their life? Of course! What's it take for these people to look at us and think of us as equal? How about instead of abolishing the "thought" of gay marriage, why don't they abolish religion. Then sooooo many issues would be solved.


Anonymous said...

i read your blog whenever i can, u say its cathartic to write..well i find it cathartic to read.

being an unhappily married woman i'm afraid i have ALOT to say about your blog. firstly marriage IS NOT what's its cracked up to be (at least this is my experience and 50% of the population that we KNOW of). my whole life i have been told that when i grow up i'll get married and have children and this would essentially complete my life. well i did just that and aside from my children making me smile, marriage has NOT completed me but rather DEPLETED me. i have never felt so unhappy in my whole life. it really is an INSTITUTION!

that is why i often wonder why the gay population fight so hard to be able to get married?!.

is it not better to be involved with someone because u want to be, not because you're legally bound?

is it not better to spend the rest of your life with someone and take time apart if u need it and have the freedom to return if u want without the hassle and cost of divorce?

is it not better to NEVER have to compromise your beliefs because of the pressures and expectations of family/friends being let down after a huge wedding?

is it not better to have to think only of yourself and not have to put yourself last on the list of other priorities?

and of course, although kids are wonderful is it not better to pick up and go whenever u want? to sleep in? to be reckless? to move states, countries, to leave a partner without having to 'think of the children' and staying together only for their sake and not yours?

and perhaps the it not better to be single than in a loveless marriage?

These are many questions and undoubtedly some people crave the complexities and routine of married life, but especially for the gay community, why fight a govt to legalise gay marriage when the very same govt does SO many things wrong with all classes of society?...think of pensioners, single mothers, the disabled and their carers.

I don't think we should abolish the thought of gay marriage or religion but rather abolish marriage altogether., i believe we will be a much happier society with no 'legal' obligations to stay with someone we don't love or who has hurt us. Children of 'seperated' parents won't need counselling because it wouldn't be a stigma it is today.

as for all those 'happily married' people who sing its praises....well i don't know any!

ask anyone who's married and they'll tell u a wonderful tale of 2 people who fell in love, did crazy things together, dreamt of adventure and generally lived life to its fullest. then ask them what life is like after the wedding...well i'll tell u what about 100 people i personally know all share in common. after getting married, life becomes a little dull, money problems, mortgages, credit cards, no time for travel, pressure to start a family, pressure to be a good parent, communication breakdown because of lack of sleep, lack of sex, lack of passion of any sort about anything in life.

so why oh why do u lovely gay people want that? for goodness sake, enjoy your freedom don't long for a life being 'legally bound' but rather enjoy just being and doing who or what u want for as long as u want it to last!

if gay marriage does get legalised u then have the pressures of trying to find a 'husband' before u get to an age that is deemed 'too old'. u can also add divorce, infidelity, children, adoption, seperation and general discontentment with life and a yearning for a life gone by to the list.

don't be fooled, marriage IS NOT a fairy real life cindarella is a single, overweight mum of 3.5 kids on welfare while prince charming is out cavorting with the maidens!

sorry to put a dampener on your blog, i realise i'm projecting my own experience on this topic and not everyone thinks this way...but if that person exists can i talk to them?

scottiejt said...

Anon - I am left quite stunned by your comment. Not because I dont agree with you, because I agree with you whole heartedly, I guess thats why i say in my blog entry that i would never get married, but because it is such a magnificent piece of writing. It also left me quite sad because I know people like you. I know people like you really well, again hence the reason I would never want to get married. I hope everything in your life works out the best I'm glad you find my blog cathartic. I hope you continue to read it.

Anonymous said...

well i'm glad u found my writing as magnificent as yours. i must say that is a HUGE compliment coming from you.

my life is what it is....not the one i dreamt of....not the one i expected.....not the one i deserve...but the one i'm going to live.