Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat......?

Well that depends on what the trick is and what the treat is.....If the treat is an all expenses paid holiday then I'll take the treat. If the trick is making me disappear to europe then I could possibly take that. If I'm just going to be offered a piece of candy, then don't bother!!!

Yes, it's that time of year again......Halloween......Do we really care? I don't think in all my life I have ever had anybody appear on my door step in costume saying trick or treat.....Altho there was that one time, but he was more a "trick" and he wasn't actually in costume and it wasn't actually Halloween.... :)

Anyway, to anybody who cares, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

BOO!!........Did I scare ya???

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I miss you Dad....

This coming Saturday, 1st November is the 6th anniversary of my fathers death. He died from cancer. He also died on my brothers birthday. When this date comes around every year I tend to get a little melancholy and with what has been happening in my life over the last few weeks, I guess this year I am feeling extra melancholy, extra reflective and sad. 

My father and I did not have the best relationship, I mean we were like chalk and cheese. He being a very old fashioned, moralistic mans man. And then there's me the exact opposite. But what did bring me closer to my dad was how he accepted my homosexuality. His behaviour and his love for me never faltered when I told him.  I honestly thought that me being gay would end any type of relationship I had with him, but he surprised me completely with his reaction and I can clearly remember the first words he said to me....."Son, if you're happy, I'm happy." 

We used to quarrel sometimes, usually over my frivolous lifestyle, but he was only concerned, which is natural for a father. He was not a very affectionate man, in fact my family are not affectionate at all, maybe that's why I crave it, but I know deep down he loved me completely.

I remember the day he died. We all knew it was going to come and even tho you think you are prepared for this day, when it arrives, you're not. I received a phone call from my mother. It was early morning and instantly I knew. The tone and the quivering of her voice and then I just screamed. Then I remember this stranger on the other end. It was a man trying to calm me down. He had the calmest, most beautiful voice. I don't know who it was but I know my mum couldn't talk as naturally she was very sad and my reaction made it worse. Then the rest is a blur.

Two things made this extremely sad for me and still do. One seeing my mother. I have never and I don't think will ever see her so uncontrollably emotional. Knowing I had to be strong for her was a difficult thing to pull off. I remember hiding behind the garden shed crying. Here I was, a man of 33, hiding because he didn't want his mother to see him upset because he wanted to protect her. The other thing that I couldn't come to grips with and still at times don't comprehend is that I will never see him again. I know I can look at old photos, but the man who made me, the man who tried his hardest to guide me and raise me to be a good person will never stand in front of me, beside me. I will never hear his voice. I can't ring him for advice or to just say hello. That is what's worse for me. That complete feeling of loss. It's a similar feeling I guess when you break up with somebody you love. That feeling of losing familiarity and security and love, except when somebody dies, somebody you have had in your life for 60 years, the feeling is 50 times, maybe 100 times worse. What you are left with tho is memories. Some of them not so good, but most of them great. And of course, you have the photos. Both of these will always make you smile, laugh and of course cry. 

I very rarely told my Dad that I loved him, and if there is a regret I have, it is that. Maybe he is sitting beside me now while I'm writing this. Maybe he walks beside me everyday. I'd like to think he does and if he can hear me I'd like to say to him, "I love you and I miss you."

Men in Uniform - Grrrr.....

There is something about a man in uniform. Almost any type of uniform. Firemen, Policemen, Army, Airforce, Navy, Ambulancemen, Add a beard to the uniform and I am, well, i am just......well you know.....

I think I was in heaven when I took this photo outside the louvre in Paris a couple of years ago. No beards, but alot of uniform. The Maltese army apparently. So, we have uniforms + foreign accents!!!!!! (thats a double Grrrr...)

God, am I turning into a lecherous old poof?????

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I love my city.....

Its raining and i'm just hanging out waiting to head out for work. As you can see, I've spent the morning blogging. Its 1248 and this is my 3rd entry for the day!!! I promise, no more after this one :)

The purpose of this blog is Sydney and how much I love it.....Plain and simple.

There is too much of this going on.....

Another one bites the dust. 

Over the last week and a half, 3 people I know, or 4 including me have parted ways with there boyfriends or girlfriends. It appears to me that the onset of warmer weather means the heart grows colder. Why? 

None of the breakups have been for sane reasons......This does leave a rather sour taste in the mouth when it comes to that word (I did say i wouldn't mention the L word again for a while), so how does one get thru this rather jaded period. Promiscuity has been mentioned but that really isn't me (no comments please), getting away from it all has been another suggestion but the one i have taken onboard is this, and it has been a theme in a few of my blog entries.........It's time for some major life changes...........

Put these parts together and you get part of me.....


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Random Questions.....

As I'm not going to blog about what's on my mind at the moment, I thought I would just answer some more random questions.....

1) What is on the backseat of your car? An Umbrella

2) When was the last time you threw up? I'm surprised I wasn't on Sunday morning, but to be honest I cannot remember.

3) What age will you be next birthday? 30.....oh ok, add another 10 to that. Yeah, alright 40!!!

4) What's your favourite curse word? Fuck. I do also like cunt.

5) Name 3 people that made you smile today? Silvana, Stephen and Sean.

6) What is the last thing you said aloud? Are you serious?

7) What was the last thing you had to drink? Coffee

8) Who is the last person you sent a message to on Facebook? Pete.

9) What song are you listening to? Peter Pan Syndrome - DJ Rodriguez.

10) Do you have a tan? Kinda.

11) Biggest annoyance in your life right now? Um, what do you think?

12) Are you in love with somebody right now? Oh god, you've gotta be joking. Who ever is asking these questions hasn't read my blog!

13) Favourite pair of shoes? My red converse sneakers.

14) Are you jealous of anyone? Hmmm, next question please.

15) Is anybody jealous of you? I highly doubt it.

16) Do you hate anybody right now? I never hate. I just loathe and despise. But nobody at the moment.

And look, I've gone all pretty. :)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Pictures- Timo Maas feat Brian Molko

This is the sexiest song ever as voted by .......MEEEEEEEE!

This is not the video for it but I found it on youtube and thought it was rather interesting.

The lyrics are sexily perverted and I would love to.........well, lets leave it there. This is no pornographic blog site....... :)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Everything's coming up roses.....actually make that orchids.

I'm hoping I don't have another week like my last one for quite sometime. 

It started all very gloomy and dark as not only did I have problems from "up north" but me and my "boyfriend" broke up which left me very confused and most of all a little sad. I thought at the time it was all very unexpected, but in hindsight (which apparently is a wonderful thing) it wasn't such a shock. Its funny how you can be blind to what is actually staring you in the face. So after a bit of soul searching and many conversations with mates from near and far, I secretly thought to myself that I would put on my favourite sneakers and run away.  This of course was an irrational thought and after much more soul searching, after making a new friend and after alot of alcohol, every thing seems to be coming up........orchids?? 

Tho there is still that touch of sadness. I'm hoping my heart will turn to steel after this and feelings will become a thing of the past........because my heart seems to have finally healed after "K" and then this. But this is not comparible to "K".

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Visage - Fade to Grey

LOVE LOVE LOVE this track. I think it sounds like it would definitely fit in todays music climate what with the whole 80's electronic feel making a comeback.

Eurythmics - Love Is A Stranger

I was re-introduced to this track by somebody a few weeks ago and I cannot get enough of it.....The Hot Tracks remix from the mid 90's is totally brilliant and it's on high rotation on my new totally fantastic ipod at the moment. Aside from it being a brilliant track, it's the lyrics that I love. 

I'm going thru a bit of an 80's electro phase so my next post will be another of my faves.

Aspirin is my best friend right now.....

Right now, at this very present moment, at this exact time, my best friend is Aspirin (or for the younger generation, neurofen).  I am slightly hung over but I can feel the fog lifting and things are looking brighter. I'm quite surprised projectile vomiting did not occur in the late hours of this morning and considering I got to bed at 330am, why the hell am I awake at 931am blogging away? Oh that's right, I heard this loud knocking.......IN MY HEAD!!!!!!

Alcohol + Camp Music=FUN

Firstly, let me apologize for any spelling errors. I am incredibly drunk and will more than likely regret doing this post in the morning. 

Tonight, my good friend of a thousand years "R" came down from Brisbane unexpectedly. So, myself along with another good friend of mine "M" took him out to dinner. Thai on Crown Street was the order of the night and then after that a few drinks at the Colombian, downstairs at the Shift and then to.............Palms!!!!! Thankfully we were all in the mood (probably due to the excessive amount of alcohol we drank) to dance to incredibly girly music. Let me list a few of the tunes I was busting moves to tonight.

1) Footloose. - Kenny Loggins.
2) Numerous Kylie Minogue tracks.
3) Can You Feel It. = The Jacksons
4) Blame It On The Boogie. - The Jacksons
5) Some Whitney Houston song.
6) Some Chaka Khan song.
7) Walking On Sunshine. - Katrina and the Waves.
8) I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor.
9) Gimme Gimme Gimme - ABBA.
10) Knowing Me, Knowing You - ABBA.

As you can see, if you wanted to visit the ultimate in gayness this evening, then wherever we were, was the place to be. 

After numerous beers and Vodkas, I decided it was time to go. I mean, I had been drinking since about midday (but that was due to prearranged drinks). I had a great night tonight. I hadn't seen my friend "R" in so long and it was good to really unwind after a somewhat stressful week. But you know what, throughout the evening I just couldn't stop thinking of a certain person. Maybe next week that will stop.

Friday, October 24, 2008

I plan on having alot of these tonight.....

I have now become a lover of beer and tonight I plan on drinking Peroni. It is my favourite. And if I'm naughty, I might have the odd Vodka, Lime and Soda, altho my mother always told me when I was young, "son, don't mix your drinks. you'll get pissed and regret it in the morning."

She's a good mum Lyn.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm getting a calling from the inner east.....

I always said I would never do it again, but the inner east is calling me. I started hanging out there a little over the last couple of months and I just love the atmosphere and the vibe over there. I've always thought of myself as a Newtown boy, but I'm starting to feel more and more like a Lizzie Bay/Potts Point/Kings Cross boy now. I wonder if Hugo would like to live in an apartment?


I know its not yet november (or movember) but as I already have a moustache, I thought I would keep growing it and not clipper it until the end of next month. 

I feel a handlebar is on the way......maybe this could be the start of my next career???? Big mo, porn movies, there's something in that........

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

This made me laugh.....

This sign cracked me up tonight......

What I'd like to know is if Beef Cheeks and Beef Curtains have anything in common?

(sorry for the offensive nature of this blog)  :)

It's a great day for it.....

Spring is supposed to have sprung but i wake up to find even mother nature is unhappy as it is only 15 degrees and raining. 
This makes it a great day for...............dvd's on the couch, eating comfort food and switching the mobile phone off. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Whispering Your Name - Alison Moyet

I said I was going to laugh, and laugh I shall. After chatting to my housemate "T", I decided to go trawling my way thru youtube to find something funny. The first person I thought of was Dawn French (the funniest fat lady alive) and then I remembered this video she did with Alison Moyet. I love this track. Its camp and poppy and 90's and Dawn steals the show in the video.

The door is closed, locked and bolted and the key has been thrown away.

I don't know whether I do some things to torture myself, whether I do it cos I need to fully understand why things happen or whether I need to just put my mind at rest once and for all. But what I needed after my rather emotionally charged weekend was closure and tonight at approximately 910pm I got that. I didn't only get closure, but the door was closed, locked and bolted and the key was thrown away. 

I'm a sensitive soul who is not scared to show his emotions and I think that is obvious from my most recent blogs. I don't care what people may think when they read my blog because one of the purposes of me doing this is to be honest and true and for there to be no boundaries. Like I said in one of my 1st entries, this is my diary.  Albeit, a diary I don't mind sharing.

What I seem to have learnt from the past is that when life throws you a curly one and it knocks you down, you pick yourself back up and you move on, knowing that it will happen again and you will get thru it.....again. But you try to keep smiling all the same.

I have to admit that even tho I feel quite hollow and numb after tonight, there is part of me that feels almost glad I have gone thru this. Glad that I did have this experience. But there is the other part of me that is confused and angry and ruined and incredibly sad that this has happened. How can somebody be falling in love with you and let that feeling be the reason a relationship has to end. Confusing??? Indeed it is.  A complete lie??? Possibly.

When your happy and you don't think about your happiness, you take it for granted. But when the happiness goes, that is when you really think about it. Sure, there are those moments amongst the gloom that lift you, but then you come falling back down, and it's that fall thats a killer.  This is when you have to remember the good things like the music that makes you smile, the songs that make you sing,  the laughter you hear that makes you laugh, the sun on your skin that makes you feel alive and most of all, the friends who are there when you need them most. Thats what makes me happy. And knowing that out there somewhere, is the love of your life.

P.S. I promise my next blog will make you laugh.....cos god knows thats what i need right now.

Does everthing in life happen for a reason........

My friend once said that "everything in life is a learning curve". And countless other people have said "everything in life happens for a reason." Is all this true????? If it is, then why are innocent people killed? Why are homeless people homeless? Why are children abused? This may all sound very heavy, but if you have read my blogs recently, I'm in a very serious, reflective, contemplative mood. 

Do we all need to suffer for the sake of learning? And what if we do suffer and we fail to learn. 
I cannot think of anything, especially in my life that has happened and what the possible reason for it happening could have been. I mean, there are the what if's. Like if i didn't move to Sydney 12 years ago, where would I be now? If I didn't break up with a fella 16 years ago, where would I be now? Do we all go thru tough times to "toughen" up? I, like many others, have been through many tough times, but I haven't toughened up. I'm still the same sensitive, emotional soul that I was 20 years ago.  

I've heard that our lifes path is mapped out for us when we are born. I personally think this is crap, but if it is true, can the person doing these maps be a little more kind? I mean for gods sake, there is too much shit that goes on in this world, so make it a little easier for us.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Simple Things.....

I've taken the week off work because, well, just because.  So because I was home my good mate "S" came around this morning to cheer me up. "S" is a wonderful friend, a wonderful human being. One of the best and I could not imagine my life without him. I think it would be very empty without him. Anway, we went down to Bronte for brunch (all very civilized isn't it) and whilst there I realised that the simple things in life are often the best (do Kellogs get royalties because I said that? ) We walked along the beach and just the sensation of the sand between my toes was enough to put a smile on my face. Seeing the hot men swimming in the ocean and running along the beach naturally put a big smile on my face. The taste of the good, strong coffee I had put a smile on my face. The crispy bacon on my BLT (yes, another one) put a smile on my face. Chatting to a person who I hadn't seen for about 6 years put a smile on my face. Listening to Kylie and Dannii sing an ABBA cover put a smile on my face. If I was to put all those moments together, back to back, there would be atleast an hour, or if I'm lucky, an hour and a half of smiles there. Some people don't smile at all thru the day. Atleast today I've managed to smile. Maybe just for an hour.........or maybe an hour and a half. :)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Duffy - Warwick Avenue - Official Video

Fitting how this is one of my favourite videos at the moment.

Yes, tragic I know!!!!! :)

Christian Falk Ft Robyn - Dream On

This new Robyn track is beautiful. Actually it's not new. It was recorded about 3 years ago apparently but is only seeing the light of day now. For some reason it has really resonated with me. The music, to me, sounds a little melancholy and I find her voice to have alot of emotion. I think you either love Robyn or you can't stand her. I was kinda in between and then I saw and heard this track and I think I have fallen in love with her.

I have spoken about music previously, how it conjures up images and emotions, well when I heard this song, it almost made me cry. Oh, who am I kidding, it did make me cry.......I guess thats where I am at the moment. Emotional......... for many different reasons. 

Saturday, October 18, 2008

A funny thing happened on the way to........

A funny thing happened on the way back to my place.
After having lunch with a mate today, I was walking home and decided I would sit in the park across from my house and enjoy the sunshine. I had taken the day off work as my week was and still is very stressful. Anyway, that's not the point.  A very strange thing happened. I was asked by 2 "students" if they could photograph me as they thought my t-shirt was "extremely cool". 
Well, 1 photograph turned into 2 which turned into 5. I thought further investigation was required, because let's face it, I didn't want a picture of me ending up in the wrong hands and then before you know it, I see a photo of myself on the evening news with the headline "do not approach this man" underneath it!

Anyway, it turns out they were walking the streets of Newtown taking photos of t-shirts (as you do...) for a photograph exhibition they are putting together. They assured me that the photo would be cropped and that no evidence of the person wearing the shirt would be on display. 
I have to admit, I do love living in Newtown. You never know what could happen.....and you never know what will come along to cheer you up. Even if it's only briefly.


Why is a Beefeater called a Beefeater?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

No. 37, your BLT is ready.....

Ok, I'm clutching at straws here with this blog, but I now have an addiction. BLT's. I have had one everyday for the last 5 days. I just cannot get enough of them. Now I know you are thinking "how goddamn boring this post is (in fact, I'm thinking the same) but to inject a bit of excitement into it, I will let you in on a little secret...........................................I added avocado to my BLT today!!!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Spring time....

Ok, today it rained and it wasn't the warmest of days, but Spring is here. I love spring. It is by far my favourite time of the year. I love that you can now start to wear t-shirts and shorts. And best of all, you can sit in the beergarden of the local pub and soak up the sunshine and let your liver soak up the alcohol......Ahhhh Spring....good for your health as well :)

Living in a Box....

Up until recently I have been paying $450 a week in rent. Now if we do the math, that is $900 a fortnight or $1800 a month. I could have been paying off a mortgage! (Well, almost). Anyway, today i thought i would make some enquiries with my bank about a possible home loan. I was told that i could borrow $250 000. Now, on investigating what I could purchase for this poultry sum I came across a few studio apartments that a cat could possibly be swung in. Now as we know, I have a dog. A dog could not be swung in these apartments.
I guess I could look.......out west???? but on second thoughts, I would rather live with that swinging cat, or even in a box.....I could always make a few holes in the top for the A/C......and then again, like I have previously said, a change is happening, so maybe the place I buy is in the country.......but NO GOATS!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Flashing ya pearly whites....

It's only 830am, but I have been told that I have a beautiful smile and that I look "fantastic" for 40 by a complete stranger on the street......Now, this last statement would have been taken as a compliment except for the fact that I'm not 40, I'm 39. Now, compliments have a tendency to make me feel uncomfortable......Why? I blush, break out in a sweat and quickly want to change the subject.......Why? When I am complimented, I feel that I have to compliment the complimenter in return.....Why? But one of my favourite sayings is "there is a grain of truth in everything that is said" so if this is true, believe the compliment, accept it graciously and think to yourself.......boy, i do look great for 40! (oh hang on, I'm 39!!!)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Today in the paper.....

Today i read in the paper that a girl stabbed her sister in the neck 10 times!!!!! Apparently it happened because of the medication she was on.......Can you imagine what would have happened if she was not medicated at all????

Random statements that need completing......

I'm hanging at home for the next half hour, so I thought I'd pass this time by adding another post. Now call me unoriginal, but i was going to write something serious, deep and heavy when i thought, "Scott, you're as shallow as a scone tray, why bother." So, I've taken the liberty of scouring thru somebody else's blog to find this list of statements that need completing......Scott's way.
  1. At School I.....was a real loner who didn't want to be in the gang.
  2. My first relationship was.....with a girl called Heidi. Because she let me plat her hair.
  3. I wish I'd never worn.....those jeans with the American Flag emblazoned on the front of them.
  4. My mother always told me.....never assume and always ask questions, cos you'll never know otherwise.
  5. I wish I had.....a smaller nose and the talent to sing.
  6. My most humiliating moment was..... feinting on stage in front of the townsfolk.
  7. My happiest moment was.....something very special to me.
  8. At home I cook.....meat and 3 veg.
  9. My last meal would be.....Shepherds Pie.
  10. I'm very bad at.....making a decision and being patient.
  11. When I was a child, I wanted to.....always run away from home.
  12. The book that changed my life was.....the dictionary.
  13. It's not fashionable, but i like wearing.....rubber gloves.
  14. Friends say I am.....frivolous.
  15. If only i could.....turn back time.
  16. At the moment I'm reading.....the dictionary.
  17. At the moment I'm listening to.....Eurythmic remixes.
  18. My favourite work of art is.....a mounted photo. Which I took.
  19. If I were a car.....I'd need alot of maintenance.
  20. I often wonder.....why do homeless people still opt to wear long pants and coats in summer?

Somebody scratch my feet.

I've been feeling a bit restless of late. Like i have "itchy feet" and need a change. Well, last night i had a dream. Now I don't know if i believe that our dreams are a way of our subconscious trying to tell us something, but in my dream, i packed up my house and moved to a shack in the country. There was me and my dog and a goat! Now i did have a goat once (a one horned goat named Jenny) who was as nasty as hell, so i always promised myself....NO MORE GOATS!!! So if this dream should come to fruition, there will be no Jenny, there will be no goats........Anyway, i digress.  

Is this a sign of things to come?? Am I having a mid mid life crisis? (i'm way too young for a midlife crisis!) or am i just dreaming of change cos there is alot of change surrounding me at the moment? I've always been the person who has to have stability, but of late, i don't want the stability. I want the unexpected, the surprises, the uncertainty, the adventures.  

And now the penny has dropped. That's why i have been feeling restless with itchy feet. Cos It's what i want.........

Saturday, October 11, 2008

From Prague to Sydney....all in 1 night!

Sydney is a beautiful city. Last night i was witness to it from possibly the best vantage point in town, atop an apartment block in Kings Cross. I snapped away and caught the bright lights of the big city (see sample pic above :)  As well as the pics, me and "special friend" were treated to a taste (sensation???) of Czech food and Czech beer. And of course, you cannot do Czech without a drop of Absinthe. Now the food was a plate for 2. Actually make that a platter for 2. The amount of food was ridiculous and the taste varied from quite ok to "i can't believe you just ate that!!!"  The beer.....well I cannot remember the name but it was ok, until you swallowed it and then the after taste was........"i can't believe you just drank that!!!". And then of course the meal was topped off with a bit of Green Fairy. My gizzards were burnt to a crisp from it, but i really enjoyed it. I sat there waiting to hallucinate, but after that failed  we opted for Gelato instead. 

Friday, October 10, 2008


No, not the two Russian pop singers who tried to make us believe they were a couple of leso's, but the one thats a permanent mark on your body.

I've been wanting to get another one to accompany my rather pathetic excuse for a tatt for a while now, so i made a decision a couple of months ago to get one before the end of the year, and because i can take procrastination to a whole new level, time is running out. 

I think i've decided on what it will be. I asked one of my best mates the other day to describe me in one word. He said......"frivolous". WTF!!!! Needless to say, this best friend could find himself off my xmas card list very soon......(only jokin). So, the word frivolous will not be tattooed on any part of my body. So we discussed what "terms" i use alot. We came up with "are you serious?" and "I love.....". Now i do tend to overuse both these terms. I seem to "love" alot, but never fall in love (but thats changing and thats a whole different story), but back to the tatt.
My background is German and I'm going to start learning the language soon, (thankyou Viktor) so i've decided on "ich liebe". (thats "i love" in german).  Well, i think i've decided on that.....maybe i should get "procrastinate" tattooed instead......

Oh what a beautiful morning......

Good Morning....(thats me just woken up. not the prettiest of sights but a sight all the same).  I do not have to go into work today, so i've decided i'm gonna roam the streets of the innerwest and see what i can discover. I'll have my pocket brownie on hand to capture those unexpected moments which, fingers crossed, there will be some. 

But before i dose myself up on caffeine and head out the door, i want to talk about last night. I thought i would go through all my old photos and whilst doing this, i realised that although i have had an eventful, and somewhat colourful life, my god it has been fun. I'm really missing a couple of good friends of mine at the moment. They moved to Brisbane about 2 years ago and 6 months ago and going thru a few photos of them put a smile on my face and a slight tear in my eye.  I miss you Steven and Vanessa.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Questions.....which i've stolen...

I was stuck with something to blog (and i guess i dont have to blog daily, but at the moment, its fun), so i stole the below questions from another blog......hope that blogger doesn't mind.... :)

well, on the weekend, i thought i was mr invincible. now, i'm scottiejt.
beautiful eyes, beards and salt and pepper hair.
the sound of hysterical laughing. it automatically makes me laugh.
apart from myself, yes, loads of people.
skinny jeans....enough already. oh and rhianna...
do not go out with him!!!
i have some early memories, but i'm unsure which comes first.
underpants. (mine, not other peoples). does that make me kinky?
i don't have an addiction anymore. altho alcohol could soon become one.
when i was kid, the fastest man in the world.
not prepared to say that on here.....yet.
sorry, i'm busy.
life. but that makes it fun.
the polyphonic spree.....they should be huge.
two and a half men.....that show sucks so bad. why is it popular? and rhianna.
she has no idea   :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Kanye West

I'm loving the new Kanye West track. Love Lockdown. Totally brilliant.

The Cost of Living

I have recently taken in a housemate.....Now i have been living alone, (well i do live with Hugo, my dog but he is not that good at conversation), for almost 2 years now. Originally it was not by choice that i live alone,  but after a couple of months I realised that it was what I needed. The cost was a bit of a killer, but at no cost to my sanity. Anyway, now that i have a housemate, i'm wondering what the cost will be? Obviously my bank account will like it, but will it now cost my sanity?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Thank you for the music

If you have read any of my previous posts, you would have noticed i wrote about blogging being quite cathartic and that i had a very big night on Sunday. Well, because of the "big night", today is a day for catharticism (I'm sure that is not a word, but......nevermind). This leads me to "special friend" has introduced me to so much new music lately, much of which i love, so i have spent the day downloading and listening.  Music, to me, is a very important part of my life. I can't play an instrument (unless of course we go back 25 years when i could play the flute) and i certainly cannot sing (unless of course we go back 25 years when i was in the Senior Choir at school), but music has always had an impact on me. A big impact. I love how it conjures up memories, thoughts and feelings. I love how you can relate a song to a certain time in your life, whether it be a good or a bad time. I love how when i have heard a track for the first time, i get goose bumps cos its just the best thing i have heard (for the week anyway). I love how some tracks are like totally the best because of the music or the lyrics, or for the music and the lyrics. Music is an important part of life. Like Madonna once said, Music makes the people come together. So i guess the point of this post is to say, Music has helped me get thru today. So, thank you for the music. (And thank you Abba)   :) :)

Good Times

Now there is having fun, and then there is HAVING FUN!!! I went out on Sunday night. Now that Sunday night went into the early hours of Monday afternoon and the moves i was bustin' would have not looked out of place on Solid Gold. Isn't it funny when you are mood enhanced (and i dont mean by legal medication), you feel almost invincible and all you want to do is dance. I mean, there were times i was so wasted (oops, sorry mum, i mean exhausted) that even when i had to sit down... i was still dancing!!! Now the negative to all this?......What goes up, must come down. :(


Sunday, October 5, 2008


I'm actually finding blogging quite cathartic. I've written in diaries and journals before so i am thinking that blogging is the diary and journal writing of the naughties....(or for those who don't quite get that, that's another term for the 2000's). So if that is correct, do i lay bare my soul and do a complete purge or do i just write down tidbits and let the gaps be filled by whoever choses to read this? Obviously the difference between diaries and blogging is that you are putting yourself in a vulnerable position (and quite possibly a very embarrassing position) if one choses to use blogging as a diary form and if that happens, you've gone full circle because therapy could be required and what was originally thought of as cathartic has turned into a nightmare......

Saturday, October 4, 2008

J'Aime Paris

I have this urge to revisit Paris....Actually, dare i say it, it almost feels like a need.....I've been to Paris once, and did not spend enough time there. Sure,  i got to see all the tourist attractions but this time i just want to wander the streets. I want to soak in the Parisian life and atmosphere. I want to be a Parisian, if only for a week (longer would be great). And i would especially love to do it with somebody very special to me. In fact, i'd like to, no, love to,  pack up my bags and roam the world aimlessly.....Now i know this all sounds romantic and yes, incredibly sappy, but hey, maybe i'm just a romantic thru and thru, topped off with a touch of sap.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Me thinks its time for a change.....

I mean, there really is only so much abuse one can take......and thats just at work.
To fill you in, i have been doing the same job now for 8.5 years...(the name of the company will remain nameless, altho i will say i do work in the airline industry) and i will add, that said company have been fantastic to work for and have treated me wonderfully, but unfortunately, what the job entails is copping some abuse. In fact, on some days, it seems to be constant abuse. Now once upon a time i would let this just wash over me but not anymore...oh no.....i just want to give abuse back.....For example, today i was told by a business man to "wipe that f*&$^%g cheesey grin off my face". Now, this comment made my blood boil, and i swear to god, if there was not a counter in front of me, i think i would have punched his sorry, ugly face!!!! (See, just blogging about it gets me angry :) I have been spat on, elbowed, pushed over into childrens vomit, called a c*#t too many times i've lost count......Well, no more.....Me thinks its time for a change.....

I'm a blogger virgin

Hmmm, this could be interesting...then again, it may not....

It appears that blogging is the thing to do. I mean, a few of my friends are doing it, some people i work with do it, and not to mention the blogger of them all (name will be witheld.....lets just say, he's a long lost friend.)...So, i thought i'd give it a try......

I'm not promising that this will be full of words of wisdom, actually, i can promise you it won't be, but it will be about me, so therefore it will be from the heart, and that could be dangerous....(i promise)