Friday, October 31, 2008
Trick or Treat......?

Thursday, October 30, 2008
I miss you Dad....

Men in Uniform - Grrrr.....

There is something about a man in uniform. Almost any type of uniform. Firemen, Policemen, Army, Airforce, Navy, Ambulancemen, Add a beard to the uniform and I am, well, i am just......well you know.....
I think I was in heaven when I took this photo outside the louvre in Paris a couple of years ago. No beards, but alot of uniform. The Maltese army apparently. So, we have uniforms + foreign accents!!!!!! (thats a double Grrrr...)
God, am I turning into a lecherous old poof?????
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I love my city.....
There is too much of this going on.....

Another one bites the dust.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Random Questions.....
Monday, October 27, 2008
Pictures- Timo Maas feat Brian Molko
This is the sexiest song ever as voted by .......MEEEEEEEE!
This is not the video for it but I found it on youtube and thought it was rather interesting.
The lyrics are sexily perverted and I would love to.........well, lets leave it there. This is no pornographic blog site....... :)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Everything's coming up roses.....actually make that orchids.

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Visage - Fade to Grey
LOVE LOVE LOVE this track. I think it sounds like it would definitely fit in todays music climate what with the whole 80's electronic feel making a comeback.
Eurythmics - Love Is A Stranger
I was re-introduced to this track by somebody a few weeks ago and I cannot get enough of it.....The Hot Tracks remix from the mid 90's is totally brilliant and it's on high rotation on my new totally fantastic ipod at the moment. Aside from it being a brilliant track, it's the lyrics that I love.
I'm going thru a bit of an 80's electro phase so my next post will be another of my faves.
Aspirin is my best friend right now.....

Alcohol + Camp Music=FUN
Friday, October 24, 2008
I plan on having alot of these tonight.....

Thursday, October 23, 2008
I'm getting a calling from the inner east.....

I always said I would never do it again, but the inner east is calling me. I started hanging out there a little over the last couple of months and I just love the atmosphere and the vibe over there. I've always thought of myself as a Newtown boy, but I'm starting to feel more and more like a Lizzie Bay/Potts Point/Kings Cross boy now. I wonder if Hugo would like to live in an apartment?
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
This made me laugh.....
It's a great day for it.....
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Whispering Your Name - Alison Moyet
I said I was going to laugh, and laugh I shall. After chatting to my housemate "T", I decided to go trawling my way thru youtube to find something funny. The first person I thought of was Dawn French (the funniest fat lady alive) and then I remembered this video she did with Alison Moyet. I love this track. Its camp and poppy and 90's and Dawn steals the show in the video.
The door is closed, locked and bolted and the key has been thrown away.

I don't know whether I do some things to torture myself, whether I do it cos I need to fully understand why things happen or whether I need to just put my mind at rest once and for all. But what I needed after my rather emotionally charged weekend was closure and tonight at approximately 910pm I got that. I didn't only get closure, but the door was closed, locked and bolted and the key was thrown away.
Does everthing in life happen for a reason........

My friend once said that "everything in life is a learning curve". And countless other people have said "everything in life happens for a reason." Is all this true????? If it is, then why are innocent people killed? Why are homeless people homeless? Why are children abused? This may all sound very heavy, but if you have read my blogs recently, I'm in a very serious, reflective, contemplative mood.
Monday, October 20, 2008
The Simple Things.....

I've taken the week off work because, well, just because. So because I was home my good mate "S" came around this morning to cheer me up. "S" is a wonderful friend, a wonderful human being. One of the best and I could not imagine my life without him. I think it would be very empty without him. Anway, we went down to Bronte for brunch (all very civilized isn't it) and whilst there I realised that the simple things in life are often the best (do Kellogs get royalties because I said that? ) We walked along the beach and just the sensation of the sand between my toes was enough to put a smile on my face. Seeing the hot men swimming in the ocean and running along the beach naturally put a big smile on my face. The taste of the good, strong coffee I had put a smile on my face. The crispy bacon on my BLT (yes, another one) put a smile on my face. Chatting to a person who I hadn't seen for about 6 years put a smile on my face. Listening to Kylie and Dannii sing an ABBA cover put a smile on my face. If I was to put all those moments together, back to back, there would be atleast an hour, or if I'm lucky, an hour and a half of smiles there. Some people don't smile at all thru the day. Atleast today I've managed to smile. Maybe just for an hour.........or maybe an hour and a half. :)
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Duffy - Warwick Avenue - Official Video
Fitting how this is one of my favourite videos at the moment.
Yes, tragic I know!!!!! :)
Christian Falk Ft Robyn - Dream On
This new Robyn track is beautiful. Actually it's not new. It was recorded about 3 years ago apparently but is only seeing the light of day now. For some reason it has really resonated with me. The music, to me, sounds a little melancholy and I find her voice to have alot of emotion. I think you either love Robyn or you can't stand her. I was kinda in between and then I saw and heard this track and I think I have fallen in love with her.
I have spoken about music previously, how it conjures up images and emotions, well when I heard this song, it almost made me cry. Oh, who am I kidding, it did make me cry.......I guess thats where I am at the moment. Emotional......... for many different reasons.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
A funny thing happened on the way to........
A funny thing happened on the way back to my place.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
No. 37, your BLT is ready.....
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Spring time....

Ok, today it rained and it wasn't the warmest of days, but Spring is here. I love spring. It is by far my favourite time of the year. I love that you can now start to wear t-shirts and shorts. And best of all, you can sit in the beergarden of the local pub and soak up the sunshine and let your liver soak up the alcohol......Ahhhh Spring....good for your health as well :)
Living in a Box....

Up until recently I have been paying $450 a week in rent. Now if we do the math, that is $900 a fortnight or $1800 a month. I could have been paying off a mortgage! (Well, almost). Anyway, today i thought i would make some enquiries with my bank about a possible home loan. I was told that i could borrow $250 000. Now, on investigating what I could purchase for this poultry sum I came across a few studio apartments that a cat could possibly be swung in. Now as we know, I have a dog. A dog could not be swung in these apartments.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Flashing ya pearly whites....
It's only 830am, but I have been told that I have a beautiful smile and that I look "fantastic" for 40 by a complete stranger on the street......Now, this last statement would have been taken as a compliment except for the fact that I'm not 40, I'm 39. Now, compliments have a tendency to make me feel uncomfortable......Why? I blush, break out in a sweat and quickly want to change the subject.......Why? When I am complimented, I feel that I have to compliment the complimenter in return.....Why? But one of my favourite sayings is "there is a grain of truth in everything that is said" so if this is true, believe the compliment, accept it graciously and think to yourself.......boy, i do look great for 40! (oh hang on, I'm 39!!!)
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Today in the paper.....
Random statements that need completing......
- At School I.....was a real loner who didn't want to be in the gang.
- My first relationship was.....with a girl called Heidi. Because she let me plat her hair.
- I wish I'd never worn.....those jeans with the American Flag emblazoned on the front of them.
- My mother always told me.....never assume and always ask questions, cos you'll never know otherwise.
- I wish I had.....a smaller nose and the talent to sing.
- My most humiliating moment was..... feinting on stage in front of the townsfolk.
- My happiest moment was.....something very special to me.
- At home I cook.....meat and 3 veg.
- My last meal would be.....Shepherds Pie.
- I'm very bad at.....making a decision and being patient.
- When I was a child, I wanted to.....always run away from home.
- The book that changed my life was.....the dictionary.
- It's not fashionable, but i like wearing.....rubber gloves.
- Friends say I am.....frivolous.
- If only i could.....turn back time.
- At the moment I'm reading.....the dictionary.
- At the moment I'm listening to.....Eurythmic remixes.
- My favourite work of art is.....a mounted photo. Which I took.
- If I were a car.....I'd need alot of maintenance.
- I often wonder.....why do homeless people still opt to wear long pants and coats in summer?
Somebody scratch my feet.
I've been feeling a bit restless of late. Like i have "itchy feet" and need a change. Well, last night i had a dream. Now I don't know if i believe that our dreams are a way of our subconscious trying to tell us something, but in my dream, i packed up my house and moved to a shack in the country. There was me and my dog and a goat! Now i did have a goat once (a one horned goat named Jenny) who was as nasty as hell, so i always promised myself....NO MORE GOATS!!! So if this dream should come to fruition, there will be no Jenny, there will be no goats........Anyway, i digress.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
From Prague to Sydney....all in 1 night!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Oh what a beautiful morning......
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Questions.....which i've stolen...
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The Cost of Living
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Thank you for the music
Good Times
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
J'Aime Paris