Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Thank you for the music

If you have read any of my previous posts, you would have noticed i wrote about blogging being quite cathartic and that i had a very big night on Sunday. Well, because of the "big night", today is a day for catharticism (I'm sure that is not a word, but......nevermind). This leads me to music....my "special friend" has introduced me to so much new music lately, much of which i love, so i have spent the day downloading and listening.  Music, to me, is a very important part of my life. I can't play an instrument (unless of course we go back 25 years when i could play the flute) and i certainly cannot sing (unless of course we go back 25 years when i was in the Senior Choir at school), but music has always had an impact on me. A big impact. I love how it conjures up memories, thoughts and feelings. I love how you can relate a song to a certain time in your life, whether it be a good or a bad time. I love how when i have heard a track for the first time, i get goose bumps cos its just the best thing i have heard (for the week anyway). I love how some tracks are like totally the best because of the music or the lyrics, or for the music and the lyrics. Music is an important part of life. Like Madonna once said, Music makes the people come together. So i guess the point of this post is to say, Music has helped me get thru today. So, thank you for the music. (And thank you Abba)   :) :)


Muzbot said...

Music can be such a great soundtrack to what's going on in our lives. Let's hope that there's lots more new music on the horizon for you.

scottiejt said...

I hope so... :)

Anonymous said...

What goes up always comes down........hey sister soul sister,you had your dancing shoes on and now you've got blisters, at least this time you've got 3 comments..........wooooooo

scottiejt said...

Now Anonymous......who the hell are you?

vanessa said...

I also want to know who this so-called Anonymous is. Your new housemate maybe? They sound very gay...readers, please don't take that the wrong way.
Will I be hunted down and gay bashed for that comment??

scottiejt said...

You wont be gay bashed Vanessa. Anon does sound very gay and i have a fair idea who this anon is......