Saturday, October 11, 2008

From Prague to Sydney....all in 1 night!

Sydney is a beautiful city. Last night i was witness to it from possibly the best vantage point in town, atop an apartment block in Kings Cross. I snapped away and caught the bright lights of the big city (see sample pic above :)  As well as the pics, me and "special friend" were treated to a taste (sensation???) of Czech food and Czech beer. And of course, you cannot do Czech without a drop of Absinthe. Now the food was a plate for 2. Actually make that a platter for 2. The amount of food was ridiculous and the taste varied from quite ok to "i can't believe you just ate that!!!"  The beer.....well I cannot remember the name but it was ok, until you swallowed it and then the after taste was........"i can't believe you just drank that!!!". And then of course the meal was topped off with a bit of Green Fairy. My gizzards were burnt to a crisp from it, but i really enjoyed it. I sat there waiting to hallucinate, but after that failed  we opted for Gelato instead. 

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