Wednesday, October 29, 2008

There is too much of this going on.....

Another one bites the dust. 

Over the last week and a half, 3 people I know, or 4 including me have parted ways with there boyfriends or girlfriends. It appears to me that the onset of warmer weather means the heart grows colder. Why? 

None of the breakups have been for sane reasons......This does leave a rather sour taste in the mouth when it comes to that word (I did say i wouldn't mention the L word again for a while), so how does one get thru this rather jaded period. Promiscuity has been mentioned but that really isn't me (no comments please), getting away from it all has been another suggestion but the one i have taken onboard is this, and it has been a theme in a few of my blog entries.........It's time for some major life changes...........


Anonymous said...

It does seem odd that you have a more than usual amount of break-ups surrounding you right now. But, at least that is not the case with me. I am perpetually single! Sad but true. At the moment I really think I'd like the opportunity to be in a relationship even if it might end in the future.
Oh well.
This is vanessa by the way. For some god forsaking reason I can't use my blogger name. This is really frustrating.

scottiejt said...

Oh Vanessa. We will find you a girl. Would you do a long distance? maybe i can find you one down here?