Monday, October 20, 2008

The Simple Things.....

I've taken the week off work because, well, just because.  So because I was home my good mate "S" came around this morning to cheer me up. "S" is a wonderful friend, a wonderful human being. One of the best and I could not imagine my life without him. I think it would be very empty without him. Anway, we went down to Bronte for brunch (all very civilized isn't it) and whilst there I realised that the simple things in life are often the best (do Kellogs get royalties because I said that? ) We walked along the beach and just the sensation of the sand between my toes was enough to put a smile on my face. Seeing the hot men swimming in the ocean and running along the beach naturally put a big smile on my face. The taste of the good, strong coffee I had put a smile on my face. The crispy bacon on my BLT (yes, another one) put a smile on my face. Chatting to a person who I hadn't seen for about 6 years put a smile on my face. Listening to Kylie and Dannii sing an ABBA cover put a smile on my face. If I was to put all those moments together, back to back, there would be atleast an hour, or if I'm lucky, an hour and a half of smiles there. Some people don't smile at all thru the day. Atleast today I've managed to smile. Maybe just for an hour.........or maybe an hour and a half. :)


Anonymous said...

Sometimes its the little things that make life so special....when things go wrong, when we are treated with less respect than we deserve, we need to go back to the simple things, good company, and people that really care about us. All the rest is superfluous

Anonymous said...

Taking time out from life and enjoying the small pleasures in life is what we all need sometimes.Im with you there girlfriend.