Monday, October 13, 2008

Flashing ya pearly whites....

It's only 830am, but I have been told that I have a beautiful smile and that I look "fantastic" for 40 by a complete stranger on the street......Now, this last statement would have been taken as a compliment except for the fact that I'm not 40, I'm 39. Now, compliments have a tendency to make me feel uncomfortable......Why? I blush, break out in a sweat and quickly want to change the subject.......Why? When I am complimented, I feel that I have to compliment the complimenter in return.....Why? But one of my favourite sayings is "there is a grain of truth in everything that is said" so if this is true, believe the compliment, accept it graciously and think to yourself.......boy, i do look great for 40! (oh hang on, I'm 39!!!)


Anonymous said...

You are right. Sometimes we just need to accept a compliment when a compliment is given without feeling that we need to give something back. Take the fact that somebody has given you a compliment selflessly and feel pleased that someone has noticed you.

Monty said...

You do appear to have a nice smile!

scottiejt said...

awww thanks Monty :)