Saturday, October 25, 2008

Alcohol + Camp Music=FUN

Firstly, let me apologize for any spelling errors. I am incredibly drunk and will more than likely regret doing this post in the morning. 

Tonight, my good friend of a thousand years "R" came down from Brisbane unexpectedly. So, myself along with another good friend of mine "M" took him out to dinner. Thai on Crown Street was the order of the night and then after that a few drinks at the Colombian, downstairs at the Shift and then to.............Palms!!!!! Thankfully we were all in the mood (probably due to the excessive amount of alcohol we drank) to dance to incredibly girly music. Let me list a few of the tunes I was busting moves to tonight.

1) Footloose. - Kenny Loggins.
2) Numerous Kylie Minogue tracks.
3) Can You Feel It. = The Jacksons
4) Blame It On The Boogie. - The Jacksons
5) Some Whitney Houston song.
6) Some Chaka Khan song.
7) Walking On Sunshine. - Katrina and the Waves.
8) I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor.
9) Gimme Gimme Gimme - ABBA.
10) Knowing Me, Knowing You - ABBA.

As you can see, if you wanted to visit the ultimate in gayness this evening, then wherever we were, was the place to be. 

After numerous beers and Vodkas, I decided it was time to go. I mean, I had been drinking since about midday (but that was due to prearranged drinks). I had a great night tonight. I hadn't seen my friend "R" in so long and it was good to really unwind after a somewhat stressful week. But you know what, throughout the evening I just couldn't stop thinking of a certain person. Maybe next week that will stop.


vanessa said...

You think it will stop in just a week???? Oh no. It will haunt you for a while to come, sorry to inform you. The human mind is designed to frustrate and perplex us...especially when we need just the opposite. A short trip to Bris might help!!

scottiejt said...

Vanessa, you're supposed to give me hope :) and yes Seeing you will help. look forward to this weekend.

Monty said...

Sounds like one helluva fantastic night to me!!!

scottiejt said...

Hey Monty,

It was one helluva fantastic night!